I had a similar issue with SCVMM 2008 and a 2008 R2 Hyper-V server, after dropping firewalls I was still not able to push the agent from SCVMM 2008 or join a "local host" agent installed from the CD to SCVMM 2008.
The SCVMM server and hyper-v host where on the same subnet and I tried pushing from the SCVMM console with ADD HOST to get;
"Error (2916)
VMM is unable to complete the request. The connection to the agent hyperv-server.network.local was lost.
(The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request (0x800703E3))
Recommended Action
Ensure that the WS-Management service and the agent are installed and running and that a firewall is not blocking HTTP traffic. If the error persists, reboot hyperv-server.network.local and then try the operation again."
I also tried using the PERMITER NETWORK Add host after installing from the cd on the Hyper-V, selecting perimter network copying the .txt file back to the SCVMM server and then trying to add on the SCVMM server
After stopping and starting "Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)" I got the follwoing errors on the hyper-v host
Event ID 10149
"The WinRM service is not listening for WS-Management requests.
User Action
If you did not intentionally stop the service, use the following command to see the WinRM configuration:
winrm enumerate winrm/config/listener"
Event ID 10128
"The WinRM service is not listening for HTTP requests because there was a failure binding to the URL (http://+:80/wsman/) in HTTP.SYS.
No remote requests will be serviced on that URL.
User Action
Please use "netsh http" to check if ACL for URL (http://+:80/wsman/) is set to Network Service.
Additional Data
The error code received from HTTP.sys is 32: %%32"
Event ID 15005
"Unable to bind to the underlying transport for [::]:80. The IP Listen-Only list may contain a reference to an interface which may not exist on this machine. The data field contains the error number."
On the Hyper-V server i wanted to know what was binding to port 80 so i ran netstat
elevated cmd prompt
netstat -abo >c:\netstat.txt
opened with notepad and search for what services is using port 80
what i found was
TCP hyperV-Server:0 LISTENING 1568
(Task Manager Option)
Start task manager, click PROCESS, select VIEW then SELECT COLLUMS and tick PID(Process Identifier)
The reason I mentioning this is you may be able to right click the offending PID and click "go to services" to identify and stop or work out the service
(Elevated CMD Prompt option)
open cmd as administrator
tasklist /svc /fi "PID eq 1568"
in my case PRTG traffic was using port 80 and I disabled & stopped the PRTG service
Image Name PID Services
========================= ======== ============
PRTG Traffic Grapher.exe 1568 PRTGService
in services on the hyper-v server i restarted "Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)" and checked that no errors occur in system event viewer
I also re ran netstat -abo to check that "Windows Remote Management (WS-Management" had port 80
I was then able to push the agent from SCVMM to the Hyper-V server with no issue.
i hope this helps someone else :P
Post by BlakeI have SCVMM, newly purchased, installed on a domain member. I have a
stand-alone Hyper-V host (2008 Server), which I am trying to add to the
SCVMM console.
I have installed the 'local agent' on the Hyper-V host and copied the
security file to my SCVMM system.
Error (426)
The agent is not responding on the perimeter network machine VALACAR because
either the agent is not installed; or VALACAR is not accessible from Virtual
Machine Manager server.
Recommended Action
Verify that the agent is installed on the computer, VALACAR is accessible
from the Virtual Machine Manager server, and then try the operation again.
I have turned off the firewalls on both systems, so I don't think that is
the problem.
Post by BlakeThis WAS caused a firewall problem, which was blocking 445
Apparently my parent and my child systems are on differnet subnets...
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